Kristina M. Holle - Business Leadership/Self Help author


Kristina M. Holle


Latest book: The Authentic You: Unleash Your Leadership Potential

Release date: May 10, 2021

Genre you write in: Business Leadership, Self Help

Favorite genre to read: Leadership and Spiritual.

Publishing Type: Self

Publisher: Tellwell Publishing

Even though I write romance, I am a self-help book junkie. When I met Kristina Holle, I was excited to hear about her book.

On her Instagram page, Kristina shares quotes from her books which are inspiring truths. I had the privilege of listening to her speak live (on Zoom) on International Women’s Day and she was extremely insightful, positive, and had a great message to share.

I’m excited to read her book. Read below to find out more about it.

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Jennifer Franz Griffith: What is your upcoming book, The Authentic You, about?

Kristina: The Authentic You is a book where you can read to go on an exploration to find your leadership potential from within.  The book allows you to identify self-limiting beliefs and triggers that may keep you from being your authentic self. The book makes practical solutions to show up positively in your day. The purpose of this book is to help leaders be more comfortable in discovering their authentic self - bringing that connection into the business world. It will help teach them to inspire themselves and others through their own personal experiences. It is an internal explore with reflection activities throughout the book. It is in their guided reflections that they will discover the great skills and traits they have to offer to themselves and others.

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JFG: What inspired you to write this book?

Kristina: My upcoming book was inspired by helping others to live in their truth, and how to bring that into their workplace and leadership style. I chat with people all the time about being their best selves and about how to get there. I know people want real practical guidance on how to do this. I share from my personal and professional experiences as I did the work to start to see things clearer.

I wrote this book because so many people will say that they are “authentic leaders”, but in reality, if you are someone who needs to say you are authentic then you probably are not. If you are living in your truth and accepting all you have to offer the world, it will always shine through. 

You have one life to live so go live it, in a colorful way. Why would we want to regret not doing something because it was not what was planned? Remember, I can’t write a book about being authentic if I am not authentic with all of you. 

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JFG: Is there one main idea you want readers to take away from the book?

Kristina: I want my readers to feel connected to themselves and others. I want them to realize they have the capability to be amazing leaders at work as they have all the answers within. They will be able to identify and release the self-limiting beliefs and behaviors that may be holding them back in their life. They will become grounded in their Authenticity and will bring their greatness into their leadership style. They will become leaders of the future who can inspire and motivate others. 

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JFG: Who is your audience?

Kristina: Business professionals but it really expands to anyone who wants to live an authentic and fulfilled life. 

JFG: Do you have any upcoming speaking engagements or conferences where readers can hear more from you?

Kristina: I have work-related speaking events. More to come on this.

JFG: Is there anything else you would like to share?

Kristina: The book will be available on May 10th, 2021 on Amazon, Kindle, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, Smash words, Indigo, and Rakuten.

For regular updates check out her Facebook author page and website.

Facebook page: Kristina M Holle Author

Instagram: @KristinaMHolle

Teydon Rae - Children's Book Author


Author: Teydon Rae

Genre: Children

Latest Book: Spallenzairek and the Three Little Monsters

Publishing Type: Self

Publisher: Sunny G Publishing

It is so important for children to start reading and be read to at a young age. There are many initiatives to promote children’s literacy - Summer Reading and 1000 Books Before Kindergarten to name a couple.

Teydon Rae took the time to share her experience as a children’s book author with me. Read more about her below.


Jennifer Franz Griffith: What inspired you to write a children's book?

Teydon: I actually wrote both of my books in 4th grade! I had an amazing teacher who integrated bookmaking and writing stories into her curriculum. I absolutely loved it! My mom saved them and I pulled them out a few years ago and decided to get them ready to publish.

JFG: How did you find an illustrator and how did you know that they were the right fit to illustrate your book?

Teydon: I was told by a fellow author to try Upwork to advertise for an illustrator. I gave a description of my character and asked for them to submit a sample. I had quite a few to choose from so I asked teachers and children to pick their favorite. It was a fun process and I love how it turned out!


JFG: What impact do you think your school and library visits have on children?

Teydon: I like to think that my visits to schools and libraries leave kids feeling inspired to become authors and illustrators themselves. My theme is 'Unlock The Magic Within'. I tell them how my stories came to be and I show them my original art work, stories and books. It's fun to see lightbulbs go off and their eyes get big just thinking about their own possibilities.


JFG: How have you been able to book events?

Teydon: I have booked events by sending out marketing material to schools, libraries and boutiques. I have recently learned how to boost this with social media so I'm excited to implement what I have learned.

JFG: How have you been able to pivot your live events during the pandemic?

Teydon: Live readings, Zoom and social media have been the key for the pandemic.

JFG: What would you say has been the most successful way to promote your book?

Teydon: I would say getting a distributor has been the best way to promote with coaching available as needed. However, ultimately, social media and word of mouth were the necessary sparks and flames.


Any thing else you would like to add?

My first book, Kami Koala Goes to the Zoo, was published by a vanity publisher. It was my first experience and it was exciting at first but I was not as pleased as the process progressed. Unfortunately, I didn't know how to market and I didn't receive the guidance needed so it hasn't been as successful. I am grateful that I have been able to experience both vanity and self publishing to know what I want for my books.

Jennifer Singer - How to use TikTok to promote your book


Jennifer Singer

Self-Publishing Mentor, Author and Illustrator, Social Media Specialist

Genre: Children

Books: The Happiest Puppy and The Monster Who Wanted to Dance

Meet Jennifer Singer, she is an entrepreneur (authorpreneur, maybe?) and a shining star. She has admirably taught herself how to maneuver through ebook publishing, social media, and graphic design. She fearlessly dove into writing, illustrating, and publishing her own children’s books, and mentors aspiring authors with TikTok as her platform.

There has been a lot of discussions recently on social media about using TikTok to promote your books. Read more below to find out how Jennifer has found success using the platform.

Click image to watch TikTik video.

Click image to watch TikTik video.

JFG: Why is TikTok a good format to promote yourself?

Jennifer: TikTok is an amazing platform with a unique and constantly changing algorithm that shows the users videos that fit their primary interests. TikTok is quickly becoming one of the most used social media platforms with new people joining daily. And most importantly, you are able to reach a large audience in a short period of time.

JFG: What are the elements of a good TikTok video?

Jennifer: Many things can make a TikTok video go viral. But a good hook in the first 3 seconds, rapid changes in movement, and keeping the video between 15 and 30 seconds is a good start!

JFG: How difficult is it to make a video?

Click on the image to view the TikTok video.

Click on the image to view the TikTok video.

Jennifer: It can be difficult at first. But like everything else, consistent practice will make you better. I make all of my videos within TikTok. There are multiple options to add music and effects.

JFG: What are the best hashtags to use (general and book-related)?

Jennifer: Focus on four hashtags per post. Two hashtags that have over 1 million views and 2 that have a smaller following, between 1,000 and 100,000

For example: #BookTok (4.5 Billion Views) #AuthorsofTikTok (175.7 Million Views) #AuthorsofBookTok (44.8k Views) #LifeChangingBooks (70.0k Views)

JFG: What is the best way to build an audience on TikTok?

Jennifer: The TikTok algorithm really rewards people who stick within their niche. Lately, I have not strayed from the topic of Self-publishing. So have a niche, post consistently, and just be YOU. :)

Follow Jennifer on TikTok:

Check out her children’s books, available for purchase or Kindle Unlimited on Amazon:

The Happiest Puppy

The Monster Who Wanted to Dance

Kimberly Hunt - Editor


Kimberly Hunt - Revision Division


Specialty Developmental Editing of Romance

Copyediting and Beta Reading

Favorite genre: Romance


 As I wrote in my last interview post, it is essential to work with an editor before publishing your book so that it can be at its best for your readers. Not only is the story important, so is the text itself. It is distracting to read a book full of typos and grammatical errors and your readers might give up on your story.

I had the chance to interview Kimberly Hunt from Revision Division about copy and line editing. While developmental editing is her specialty, I was so impressed by the tips and videos on her website regarding copyediting I knew she would be the perfect person to write on this subject.

Read below to find out more about Kimberly and copyediting your manuscript.


Jennifer Franz Griffith: Some people might say that using a program like Grammarly is enough to edit a book. Why do you think it is important that an author use a copy editor?

Kimberly: Software programs are excellent tools before hiring an editor but they are not a replacement for what a professional will find and correct. Software may help find missing punctuation or spelling errors but it often fails to recognize nuances in language and may introduce problems. Software has its place in the process, helping authors and editors find things like an extra space between words, but it won't discern meaning and intent from the context which often leads to faulty suggested corrections. 

JFG: How do you define light editing versus heavy editing? 

Kimberly: When I receive a manuscript for a potential copyediting project, I perform a sample edit in order to provide an accurate quote. I'm sure the definition varies by editor but for me, it's only light if there is one error per page or less. I time myself during the sample edit and if it takes much longer to get through 2,000 words than my typical pace, I quote that as a heavy copyedit. This is why editing costs should not be based on word count alone.


JFG: Do you have any tips for writers about how they can edit their manuscripts first before it comes to you? 

Kimberly: Yes! I have lots of tips for self-editing to save authors money before sending their manuscript to a professional editor. My favorites suggestion is to listen to the manuscript using Microsoft Word's Read Aloud functionality. Other tips are to change the font on screen or print it out and read. Check out my previous blog post on this subject if you're interested in other cost-saving tips!


JFG: What are the most common mistakes writers make?

Kimberly: Common copyediting mistakes occur around punctuation like comma placement and semicolon usage, mixing up homophones like waist and waste and the usual pronoun homophones like there/they’re/their, you’re/your, and it’s/its. Also, many writers struggle with knowing when to use lay vs. lie.

JFG: No matter how many times a piece is edited or how many eyes have looked at it, there are likely still going to be some typos after the book is published. How should a writer handle that?

Kimberly: With understanding. No software program is perfect and no human is perfect. But every pass through a manuscript should raise the quality level. Authors and editors do their best to create a high-quality product. 



JFG: Anything else you would like to share?

Kimberly: Come check out all the great, free content on the Revision Division blog:

Kimberly Hunt is a freelance developmental editor of fiction with Revision Division, specializing in Romance, Women’s Fiction, Mystery, Suspense, and Psychological Thrillers. She’s happy to answer questions about writing and editing but beware as she can go on at length about her passions: reading, running, and volunteering.

Kimberly can be found on most platforms. She reviews what she reads so follow her, engage in talk of a mutual love for books, and chances are she will be reading your book next.

This is a sampling of the books that Kimberly has edited.

This is a sampling of the books that Kimberly has edited.

Kirsten McNeill - Developmental Editing


Kirsten McNeill

Editor: (Developmental Editing)

Favorite Genre: Thriller/Mystery (working on a second draft of one right now)

An essential pre-step to publishing a book is working with an editor. I interviewed editor and author, Kirsten McNeill, about developmental or content editing. In this process, your editor reads your book, which should be as polished as you can get it, and works with you to make your story the best it can be. As an author herself, Kirsten has been on both sides of this process. Read below to get Kirsten’s insight on developmental editing.

Sample of developmental editing.

Sample of developmental editing.

Jennifer Franz Griffith: Why is it important for a writer to work with an editor on content development?

Kirsten: An author already knows what story they want to tell. It comes together easily in their mind, but putting it down on paper is another challenge entirely. Like any piece of work, it's good to get a second opinion from someone who is an avid reader and is dedicated to helping the writer create the best story without changing their true meaning or style. A developmental editor helps them ensure the writer hasn't missed any plot holes that need fixing and that the characters are developing as they should. Basically, it's a professional check to make sure the story makes sense. Sometimes you know exactly what you want to say, but have trouble figuring out how to say it. An editor is an objective view, a fresh pair of eyes, to ensure that the story flows well and will be entertaining to the reader to the best of their abilities.

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JFG: How do you build trust with the author you are working with?

Kirsten: Honesty and communication is very important. I'm open about my pricing structure, which genres I've had the most experience with, and what I do to help the writer with their work. I also offer free sample edits so the author can feel more secure with my work. I try to give frequent updates on my progress throughout the project as well. When I give my feedback in edits, I also like to be very encouraging. I don’t try to rip the manuscript apart and get you to change everything. I also point out what I enjoyed in the reading experience and make suggestions on what may be improved. I'm critical, but in a constructive way and I still want authors to see the value in their talents. Being an author as well as an editor, I understand both sides of the process. So I know how to approach the process with kindness and professionalism.

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JFG: What makes an intriguing character arc?

Kirsten: An intriguing character arc involves relatable characters and a satisfying ending. If a character has a goal they need to reach or they're meant to go on a transformative journey, then by the end they haven't changed at all, there has to be a meaningful purpose to it all. Otherwise, the reader may ask: what was the point? An arc can have ups and downs where the character meets roadblocks to their goals or feels like giving up. A reader should be able to pick out something of the character that they can connect with. A personality trait (one they have or wish they had), a goal they're reaching for, family dynamics. Every reader is different and will find something they connect to, unless the character is unrealistic like a perfect person without any flaws. An arc has conflict, accomplishments, and is an adventurous journey the character takes to inspire or affect the reader in some way to feel strong emotions.

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JFG: How would you describe good pacing in a novel?

Kirsten: Good pacing has a lot to do with what you're feeling and thinking when you're reading. If it's going too fast, you may feel unsatisfied and be like wait, what just happened there? If it's too slow, your brain might trail off thinking about something else and not focus on the story. The key is to know what things are important enough to focus on in description, dialogue, and plot. The reader should slowly be fed new information with each page and not have to live through two pages of describing someone's house. We don't need every single detail. We need enough to understand what's going on and not feel confused. Sometimes pacing can be subjective, depending on the reader. It's about finding the balance that feels good for your book.

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JFG: What is your opinion on POVs in a fiction novel?

Kirsten: POVs in fiction are either first or third. Second person POV is typically reserved for non-fiction/self-help types. First person is common in romance, coming-of-age genre, or when you really want to focus on the inner thoughts and feelings of a specific character. You can even do first person with multiple characters if you want to deep dive into the characters. Third person is common in fantasy and thriller type genres where there are a lot of characters and you prefer to have an outsider's perspective. This can be helpful if you don't want to reveal too many inner thoughts of people involved in a mystery. I've even seen techniques where one character is told in first person while all the other characters are in third person from an omniscient narrator. You can use whatever POV you want no matter the genre, but be consistent about it. If you're going to switch different types of POV in the same book, do it with purpose and create a pattern that your readers learn to expect. If there's no reason to switch, stick to one type.

JFG: Anything else you would like to share? 

Kirsten: Being an avid reader, writer, and editor, I've seen all types of techniques and plot lines, but each novel has its own unique flair. To all the aspiring and seasoned authors out there, know that your story needs to be heard, even if you think it has all been said before.

You can contact Kirsten through her website or on Instagram

Bianca Bordianu - Book Cover Designer


Bianca Bordianu

Book Cover Designer

Favorite genre: I love to design and read fantasy books!

This week I had the opportunity to interview Bianca Bordianu, a graphic designer specializing in book cover design. The cover of a book is a potential reader’s first impression of a book. Bianca’s beautiful designs will help you capture your audience. She is open for commissions if you are looking for an experienced professional designer to create your cover. Check out her website for details and read below for more insight on book cover design.


Jennifer Franz Griffith: What is the job of a book cover?

Bianca: A book cover is an author's best marketing asset. It is what will capture a potential reader's attention. While the saying is "don't judge a book by its cover," that's EXACTLY what readers do. If your cover doesn't make someone want to read it, it's not doing its job!


JFG: In your opinion, should the author's name or the title of the book be more prominent on the cover?

Bianca: This varies case by case. If you're a well-known author with a large fanbase, making your name the prominent part of the cover could be a good idea since many people will buy a book purely based on the author's past work. If you're not well-known, the title of the book should be most prominent as this will entice a potential reader!

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JFG: What book cover trends do you see for this year?

Bianca: I definitely see historical regency becoming a trend this year (thanks to the Bridgerton being a hit on Netflix!)

JFG: What is your process for designing a book cover with an author?

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Bianca: The first step is ideating. The author tells me in great detail what they would like to see on the cover, and I bring it to life! While I take the author's input, I also research their genre and market trends to ensure that their book will not only stand out as a cover, but also fit into the market.

JFG: What should an author have their cover designed by a professional instead of creating it themselves?

Bianca: If you want your book to sell, hiring a professional cover designer is imperative! Professional designers understand the anatomy of a successful book cover, market trends, printing requirements, and we have the tools to create an outstanding cover. Most authors don't want to spend months (or even years) writing a book that no one will read, so a professional book cover is key!

You can follow Bianca on social media or check out her website.


Facebook Page:

Facebook Group:



But First, Let's Read - Bookstagrammer


Name: Tammy - But First, Let's Read (@butfirstletsread)

Place in the Book Community: Bookstagrammer, Blogger & Reviewer

Favorite genre: Any type of romance

I recently had the privilege of meeting Tammy (AKA But First, Let’s Read) when she asked if I would like to take part in her FAST FACTS feature on Instagram which introduces new authors to her followers. As a very new author, I was overwhelmed by her kindness in reaching out to me.

As a self-proclaimed book addict, Tammy loves reading and reviewing new books. She helps authors get the word out about their upcoming work through her blog and social media platforms. More than that, she creates a community of readers and writers on a personal level.

You can read more about Tammy in our interview below.

Jennifer Franz Griffith: How did you get started as a blogger/book reviewer?

Tammy: I've been an avid reader for years and was already leaving reviews and following a lot of my favorite authors and book groups on social media. I shared a lot of book-related posts on my personal Facebook and Instagram pages, but in the spring of 2020, I decided to start my own bookish accounts. Shortly after that, I started my blog/website. As soon as I told my kids what I was doing, my then 9-year old started talking about 1000's of Instagram followers and I told him that I'd be lucky to ever reach 500. Now, I have over 6000 and I still can't believe it!

Example of  an ARC review that can be found on Instagram @butfirstletsread

Example of an ARC review that can be found on Instagram @butfirstletsread

JFG: How do you decide what books to review or promote?

Tammy: I have several "favorite" authors that I review and promote, and I do belong to a few ARC Teams and Street Teams. I also work with several PR agencies and will promote a variety of their books even if they are ones that I may not personally read. If I sign up to promote and a blurb sounds really good to me, I'll sign up to review (I enjoy discovering new authors and have found some of my favorites that way.) I also have a KU subscription, so if I see a book being raved about in a book group or on social media, I'll add it to my list. My TBR list is considerably out-of-hand and I add to it almost every day!

JFG: Do you have a favorite book or author?

Tammy: I have several favorite authors and books. If I was forced to pick a favorite book, I'd still have to name a few: Road to Nowhere/Ends Here by Author M. Robinson and The Ravenhood Trilogy by Author Kate Stewart. I just can't choose!

Example of a book promo for a cover reveal on Instagram @butfirstletsread

Example of a book promo for a cover reveal on Instagram @butfirstletsread

JFG: Do you prefer books in a series or one-off?

Tammy: I prefer one-offs or stand-alones within a series. I'm not a huge fan of cliffhangers and sometimes I'm just afraid to commit to a long series.

JFG: What do you do to help the book community grow?

Example of her FAST FACTS feature to introduce new authors to the community on Instagram @butfirstletsread.

Example of her FAST FACTS feature to introduce new authors to the community on Instagram @butfirstletsread.

Tammy: I post A LOT of author promos and reviews on my Bookstagram, Facebook and Twitter pages in addition to my blog. I also share my favorite authors and books on TikTok now, and I'll occasionally post on YouTube. I host a daily feature on my IG/FB called 'Fast Facts - Get to Know the Author' to introduce my followers to some of my favorite (and some new-to-me authors).

JFG: Anything else you would like to share?

Tammy: I have made so many friends in the book community...authors, readers and fellow bloggers and bookstagrammers too. It really is an amazing, supportive community, and I am so honored to be a part of it. I feel like I've finally found my tribe!

You can follow But First, Let’s Read on any of these platforms:
