Her debut romance novel THE LEGACY OF STERLING MANOR is coming soon!

Her debut romance novel THE LEGACY OF STERLING MANOR is coming soon!

JENNIFER FRANZ GRIFFITH was raised in Perry Hall, Maryland where she wrote her first book The Adventures of Freddie Field Mouse at age 7. It got critical acclaim from her parents, grandparents and many aunts and uncles. Unfortunately, the original manuscript was lost or may be under her childhood bed (sorry Mom, I will clean that out someday). She continued writing novels through high school, but turned her focus to graphic design.

Her first job out of college was as a graphic designer for a newspaper. She later co-published a local newspaper where she was a contributing writer and graphic designer. Later she joined a well-known newspaper as the Art Director and freelanced as a columnist for an online newspaper.

In 2013, she became the Marketing Production Supervisor for Baltimore County Public Library where she is surrounded by books all the time.

She still lives in Baltimore County, Maryland with her husband, five-year-old son and two cats. You can find her listening to audiobooks or writing in between juggling her full-time job and managing virtual kindergarten.