Teydon Rae

Teydon Rae - Children's Book Author


Author: Teydon Rae

Genre: Children

Latest Book: Spallenzairek and the Three Little Monsters

Publishing Type: Self

Publisher: Sunny G Publishing

It is so important for children to start reading and be read to at a young age. There are many initiatives to promote children’s literacy - Summer Reading and 1000 Books Before Kindergarten to name a couple.

Teydon Rae took the time to share her experience as a children’s book author with me. Read more about her below.


Jennifer Franz Griffith: What inspired you to write a children's book?

Teydon: I actually wrote both of my books in 4th grade! I had an amazing teacher who integrated bookmaking and writing stories into her curriculum. I absolutely loved it! My mom saved them and I pulled them out a few years ago and decided to get them ready to publish.

JFG: How did you find an illustrator and how did you know that they were the right fit to illustrate your book?

Teydon: I was told by a fellow author to try Upwork to advertise for an illustrator. I gave a description of my character and asked for them to submit a sample. I had quite a few to choose from so I asked teachers and children to pick their favorite. It was a fun process and I love how it turned out!


JFG: What impact do you think your school and library visits have on children?

Teydon: I like to think that my visits to schools and libraries leave kids feeling inspired to become authors and illustrators themselves. My theme is 'Unlock The Magic Within'. I tell them how my stories came to be and I show them my original art work, stories and books. It's fun to see lightbulbs go off and their eyes get big just thinking about their own possibilities.


JFG: How have you been able to book events?

Teydon: I have booked events by sending out marketing material to schools, libraries and boutiques. I have recently learned how to boost this with social media so I'm excited to implement what I have learned.

JFG: How have you been able to pivot your live events during the pandemic?

Teydon: Live readings, Zoom and social media have been the key for the pandemic.

JFG: What would you say has been the most successful way to promote your book?

Teydon: I would say getting a distributor has been the best way to promote with coaching available as needed. However, ultimately, social media and word of mouth were the necessary sparks and flames.


Any thing else you would like to add?

My first book, Kami Koala Goes to the Zoo, was published by a vanity publisher. It was my first experience and it was exciting at first but I was not as pleased as the process progressed. Unfortunately, I didn't know how to market and I didn't receive the guidance needed so it hasn't been as successful. I am grateful that I have been able to experience both vanity and self publishing to know what I want for my books.



